The OK-ACCOUNT® is a very valuable tool that we have developed as part of the impact principle of WINPACTA.

The OK-ACCOUNT®  is a unique box of tools and procedures that bring development and sustainable success into teams and organisations. We used it very successfully in more than 1’000 projects with more than 15’000 persons since many  years in very different customer environments — and on every level of the hierarchy.

It is equally valuable for boards of directors as for management teams, project teams or for any parts of the organisation.

The choice of the impact principle of WINPACTA and the use of the OK-ACCOUNT® strengthen the people and the company at the same time. The people involved see more, understand more and become more competent in their working together and in their common focus on the goals of the company. The company profits, because the working together becomes even more professional and efficient and is much more motivating for all.

We offer a variety of Workshops that use the OK-ACCOUNT®. It enables the participants to position themselves in a wide variety of skills and topics.


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